Thursday, April 13, 2006

What is Worse than Writing for an Obscure Sports Website?

You guessed it: not being the only person/source the site relies upon for news you are supposed to be responsible for ( Where in the fuck was Lepper last night that he could not make the 350 mile trek to La-La land to, you know, do his job? I like to imagine that anywhere between 50-70 percent of the time, Geoff hands in an "article" about the latest game and his editors sit down for about 15 minutes and read his piece and the AP's write-up, ultimately selecting the Associated Press' account of the game. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy about publishers' ability to recognize actual talent.

So, in the end, which is worse? Having your story space usurped by some fucking cunt from the AP or realizing that she did a better job than you ever could? I'll let you decide.


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